Tuesday, March 9, 2010

feb 19/back on the train :)

my past revisited :)

i used to ride the train back and forth in my college years. i know the route by heart. i know when the train comes, and what time it'll arrive in UI. i know the atmosphere all too well. the smell of the train station, and the commotion was an everyday thing for me.

now, with a slightly more luxurious train, i am back riding it to work. in a way, i enjoy everything. and i had this feeling i can't explain. i felt more like... an adult. yes i did!! for a weird reason, today i feel so much more grown up. riding train, taking the bus, reading my novels, taking my time seeing the view (i don't get to do that much riding my car mind you, i have to focus on the road).

so, here i was, feeling like a kid with her first ride on the public transportation alone. and i loved it. i could get use to this... maybe occasionally i'll just take the train instead :)

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