Monday, February 1, 2010

jan 31st/ilham's bday bash

i know we're like a week late to celebrate it... but all 6 of us... plus elang, came together for the right reason this time... ilham's belated bday bash

we chose this new place to try out the food... it was...americanized, but hey it taste good. they have a gigantic portion of each platter, but it was good.

funny thing, we kept noticing people getting 'surprise' cakes. and the waiter singing "happy bday to you" to the bday person. ilham kept looking at us and saying, "if you guys pull that on me, i swear to god i'm going to walk out."

pull that on him we did :) pilas and i snuck out to buy the cake... and the look of his face, priceless :)

it's really funny, our relationship is. i mean, hate, love, cliques between cliques... but we're still hanging out and being nice to each other. ow well... i'm just glad i got people to hang around me. and for what it's worth, i always treasure my friendships

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