Monday, February 8, 2010

feb 8/an update from olympus

it's been a while since i talk about the god and goddess of mount olympus. the thing is, i just don't care too much about being a goddess these days.

but first and foremost i'd like to tell you that my infatuation with hades is sooooo over. i don't know, he's just too 'dark' for me i guess. i mean, his ways, the lifestyle... not me... i could never be the one to stand by his side. even if i can transform myself into a goddess that is worthy of his company, i wouldn't like myself very much then. so, i decided, hades... is better off just in his world, and i would not transform myself to be persephone. i'm too precious for that.

aphrodite is doing fine right now. after all, she is aphrodite. she has to have that tough face, and tell everyone in the world that she is the prettiest being that has ever existed. i don't talk much to aphrodite, part of it because i don't think i would enjoy her company that much, and part of it because i think apollo turned on me because of her. deep inside my heart, there is a gut feeling that tells me she is responsible for my exile from olympus

apollo... he's another story. i don't know if i could ever find another apollo. i don't know if i belong to be with the gods and goddess... after all i'm merely a witch, nothing more. so, i have to learn to let go my dream of becoming his bride. it's tough, really.... but i could be a stronger witch after, and elphaba will be proud of me.

so as i am sitting here in the land of oz, looking up to mount olympus, i don't really know if i could cope, being so far away from the land of oz. but i kinda miss it though. i miss the glitz and glamour of olympus, i miss apollo's sweet words and his wisdom. still somehow.... i wish there was a bridge from oz to olympus, so apollo and i can built our castle, right in the middle.

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