Thursday, November 20, 2014

about my best friends...

do you realize that you enjoy spending time with your friends more than you are with your relatives? curious huh? that's because you can choose your friends, but relatives are just given to you.  so with relatives you feel this annoying obligation to spend time with them thus it became such a burden.

but i know that i am one of the lucky few that won the relatives lottery, because God granted me a group of unique individuals who are not just my relatives, but they're my best friends.

of course it's not like we hung out every week in a designated coffee shop sipping our lattes (no cinta, the REAL world we don't really do that).  we don't even talk to each other everyday, but we are always there when it counts.

we bully each other, call each other names, laugh at each other, and yes we also bicker.  but we always made up.  not because we're family, but because we truly genuinely care about each other.

it is also nice to know that they always have my back, and no matter what, they'll stand by my side.  they might not always agree with me, but they will surely stand by me throughout anything.

so guys, i thank the heavens everyday that we shared bloods, i am so blessed. like i said, you're not only my relatives, you're my best friends.

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