Monday, October 17, 2011

how do you know....

that is the million dollar question in a relationship. how do you know that the person you're with is the one. i mean, tens of thousand theories, and all proven to be just bliss... but one theory still stands, you know he/she is the one is when that person makes you a better person.

i'm not bs-ing... i've seen it in real life (we're beginning to sound like a tagline now :p) but seriously. i've seen it myself, on my dearest cousin. see, i don't have a big brother, and for some reason, i see my cousin, mas oi, as a big brother i never have. no, we're not really that close, but for some reason, his presence, in a hostile environment, or in tough situation, makes me feel safe. anyway, he is one of the few other species in my family. see, in my extended family, we got two species, loud and louder, and the others.... well he's the others. and he rarely blend in with us, he usually passed on our shindig, because i guess we're too loud for him :)

but lately, something changed. mas oi has a girlfriend!! i mean, he had girlfriends before, but this one is different, and i know it. i mean, i noticed the changes on him, he probably doesn't know this (now he knows, if he reads this entry) that i always pay attention to everything he does. well, lately, he became approachable. for me at least, i mean, our relationship has always been 'formal' but lately we talked, small talks, not only things we need to talk about. and one thing that was surprising for me too, he came to our annual gathering after eid!! see, we the kids have this annual gathering thing every year after eid, that would be the only time we're like in complete formation. so me and my cousins all gather in a place, and just hang. best time ever for me, but because mas oi was not really into it, he usually didn't go. but this year, he went, and he came with his girlfriend, mbak novi. he was different, and i'm not the only one who notice, my baby cousin rara did too. he had this glow in his face, he looked happy, he still looks happy right now.

see, the one would change you, in a good way, the way mbak novi changes mas oi. so how do you know if he/she is the one... he/she will change you, in a good way. he/she makes you a better person, not only for each other, but for other people surrounding you guys.

so i'm waiting, for that person, who will make me a better person, for everyone. i know he's out there, we just haven't run into each other yet :)

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