Sunday, September 27, 2009

picture perfect

what is perfect
no one really have  a clear definition for it

i thought phil mallinger was perfect.  oh god, was he beautiful! but time changes i grew up (took a long time) but he might be perfect, but he's not perfect for me.

and then i thought my first boyfriend was perfect.  we were match made in heaven, or that's what i thought.  for years i try to convince myself he is my match.  for he is one beautiful being. he is, i love him.  until now i care about him, and i always will have this guilty feeling for him, for leaving him.  i was never faithful with him, maybe that's why i have to leave.  well i hope he's happy now, and find his perfection.

i thought i found my perfection with the second boyfriend.  ow well, i was dumb, i can't really find a perfection based on that.  it was infatuation.  but i thought it was perfect, but not anymore.

and then, i have my parent's dream job.  all of the sudden i am my mother's perfection.  i live in her dream, but not mine.  yet it's a perfection after all. 

and then he completed it.  my perfect state.  for that long, when he was by my side, i feel like everything is going my way.  it's not perfect, but i felt perfect.

but now, i don't know.  i could barely finish my entry now.

ow well, i gotta go now.

but before i go, i have to say, that i miss him terribly, and i'm coping, barely making it, but i'm coping.

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