Sunday, December 6, 2009

dec 6/precious time :)

i know that title could be interpreted to so many different things in my world, but for today, it really means precious time.

i thank god today that i have amazing people with me in this life. makes this journey easier. and i got to spend this precious day with them today.

it's been a while for all 8 (plus one elang) of us are in the same room together. and today we were. i threw jokes like it was nothing. we share laughs, and it feels like old time.

sure, there have been break ups between us, fights, mishaps... but hey, we were all in the same room, just like old time. and guys, that is the best bday gift that you've given me :) thank you so much!!!

i love you guys, and i hope we will always be this way... well in one way or another :)

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