Thursday, December 10, 2009

dec 9/driving with bapak

i'm sorry, i fell asleep last night and forgot to type in the daily blog... but here goes the highlight of my yesterday... :)

i love my dad... don't get me wrong, i love him with all my heart. i'm daddy's little girl (or in my case, bapak's little girl) he protects me like i am this fragile china @ times... but i secretly love it!! :) but.... when it comes to driving with him... omigod!!!! my dad and car... is not the best match.

so, my dad wanted to go to HI yesterday, to see the rally for anti corruption. well, he jumped in with me as i made my way to the office. i don't mind the company, 2 hours driving can be lonely @ times, but for the love of god, the man could not shut his mouth!!! :P he commented on EVERY SINGLE DETAILS of things that he sees. as i'm driving, i was cursing in the inside every time he commented about the traffic, the way people drive, the motorcycle, the road signs...argggggghhh!!!

but at the end... i realized... all he wanted was just to spend time with me. and he's not like me, he's not the type of person who can sit next to someone and not conversing. and i KNOW i'm going to miss it someday. and i do value my time with him. if i put all the annoyance aside, he is one hell of a person. i love him with every heartbeat i have, and he has SO MUCH wisdom to share.

i love my dad, and i am sure i'm going to miss the moment when i can listen to him. even though right now i am annoyed by his so-called wisdom, one day, i'm going to tell my kids how i used to drive around with their grandpa and how he wouldn't shut his mouth, and what kinds of things he would tell me on the road. and i'm sure i would be as chatty as he is now... for i am bapak's little girl :)

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