Sunday, November 29, 2009


it's pouring rain here in the city, and here i am, sitting in the overpriced coffee shop leaving for yet another city. i only spent 1 week in my room on the month of november, neat huh? again, today, i told my mom, i've never thought that this going to be my life. sitting in the airport, with my laptop typing blog in an overpriced coffee shop (i love so much, i never knew quite what it's like... *snickers*)

it's weird right? the way life turns out to be... when i was a kid, i always wondered what i would be like when i grow up. i want to travel in time, go back to my high school years, when i don't have very much confidence, and say to the teenage me, "hey kid, be patience, you won't be so bad... still suck @ love, but hey you'll be okay, you'll turn out alright, a lot of people will love you and care for you, and you wouldn't be so lonely."

which made me wonder, if you can go back in time, and visit the high school you, what would you say to them. for me... except what i just said above, i'd also say that phil mallinger's not really THAT godly :P. and the cheers captain, will turn out fat :)

okay the last one was mean. the thing is, what you thought was SO important in high school, turns out to be nothing right now. and yes, it's true, what goes around comes around, so if you're in high school right now, being kicked around by a bully, remember, one day, you'll have your laugh, and that bully, might just ended up working for you :) *nice huh*

like i always say, endure whatever bumps in the road God gives you right now, and come back with higher limits :) because trust me, God never gives you what you can't endure, because God knew you better than you know yourself. after all, He's the one who created you, with the help of mom and dad of course :p

i think i have to board the plane now... i'll see you later, along with new project i came up with *excited*

love you all, stay positive, stay beautiful!!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

conversation with mommy

one idle dinner, my mom and i were just talking about life in general. it's really a rare occasion where me and mommy would sit down in a dinner table and have dinner together. so i updated her about my life, and whatever going on around me. i told her about hades, horsey, and some others that might come along, and she suddenly said, "when are you going to settle, what are you waiting for? you're not getting younger."

i didn't reply her question, because i didn't think there is a need to. but if i had to answer her question, this is what i'd say.

what i'm waiting for mommy...

i'm waiting for a guy who would sweep me off my feet
makes my heart beats 3 beats faster every minutes
keeps me on the edge of my seat everyday, just want to see the next adventure he brought along
i'm waiting for a guy that could answered my questions
that could make me satisfied
with each explanation that comes along
i'm waiting for a guy who can take my breath away
who could sit me down, and tell me enough
who could make me smile just to look @ him
so i'm waiting mommy
i'm waiting for that guy
the guy who doesn't bore me
the guy who keeps me guessing what's next
who i can honor, respect and love for the rest of my life

i know it might sound pathetic, and it might even sound naive. but that's what i'm waiting for... my love utopia

Thursday, November 19, 2009


for two weeks, i've been watching him
i watched him as his head nodded off, as he got bored
i watched him, shifting his ass left and right finding the comfortable place
i watched him paid attention if something intrigued him
i watched him as he took out his camera snapping out images of the class

i watched him quietly
as wilbur would snap away the bits of him that i adore
i watched him intently
as i know i won't get him for life
he has someone waiting for him
i watched him hoping
that he would once, turn around and see my stupid face
adoring him

he's something i cannot reach
but for now, i'm glad we are where we are
so for now
i'm just admiring him from afar
the best way i know for now...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

2 weeks, 37 strangers, aw aw aw aw.... :)

prajab... aka prajabatan... ato menurut @mslely (follow her on tweets she's a breath of fresh air too) prawan jarang boker....
first and foremost... yes, i'm a civil servant. if you follow me on tweets, you know i have two lives, one's as an announcer which i love dearly, and the other is one boring old-fashion life, my 9-5, as a civil servant, pns, or as jujuk margono puts it... pernah ngewi siy.... *sigh* my other life :). so yes boys and girl, i have the geekiest, boring and old-fashioned job in indonesia. but hey, it pays for my fun.

anyway... prajab, roughly translated in english is preservice training, is these hell two week, where we are forced to do nothing but listening to boring old people talking about crap we already knew. but it is a requirement for me in order to get promoted to a full time government worker.

well anyway, this preservice training also requires me to live in a dorm for two weeks, sharing room with strangers (mind you this is a big issue for me, i like my own space), and all the strict rules that tagged along with it (i'm not good with rules, you know that by know i guess :p)

i was truly, really reluctant to go to this thing, especially after looking @ the schedules, and the classes for two weeks. omigod, classes monday to saturday, roughly 8 hours a day, sitting in a room, full of strangers, listening to lecturers, yes... it will be long dull weeks ahead... @ least that's what i thought @ the 1st place.

so, i drove in to the dorm, on that tuesday morning. to find out on the way, that the infamous rezza munawir (he's another story really) is joining my batch (he was supposed to be on the next batch, but he switched place) well, i felt indifferent at first, but hey, turns out, he's more than i expected... :) and in that morning i found out couple other friends are in the same batch with me too.

ow, well, checking in, i found out not only i have to share a room with one stranger... it turns out i have to share one with two... please don't judge me, it's just me and my issues, nothing really wrong with them though, with all sincerity, they're okay roommates :) well they can put up with my weird antics... so i gotta to give them a credit :)

off to the class, for the first day, no one really showed off their real skin yet. and in that day, we had a 12-hour day in class, so i haven't had the chance to get to know them yet. one thing that stood out from that day though, "my name is joe, i work in a button factory, are you busy goe, yes! i have 4 children"

the 2nd night, that's another story. and that's when things gets real :) we were done by 5 pm, and you put 37 20-30 something people together, things tends to get interesting. that night i learned, the next two weeks, will not be as bad as i imagined it will be. that night i learned, we have a dancer in our batch, tons of party goers, and half decent singers :p

after that second night, all goes well, we got to know each other better. in two weeks, i made tons of new friends, gained new perspectives, and learned adobe premiere :p

back to spiritual me... :p i believe god always put me in the right place. my work, my life, and everything. and i believe for prajab, god put me in a perfect batch, perfect for me :) and it was angkatan 6.

for that i have 37 people to thank for the amazing two weeks we had, i am sure my life will be less colorful if i never knew them. so i'd like to thank:

first and foremost, awan nothing... or something :) i believe if you try harder, you'd be a great man, there's something in you, that attracts people, you're a good man, you'll make it big, if you try :)

desy... my goodness, it's been a blast!!! i'm glad i'm in the same batch with you, it's been fun, and i know now, i can always call you up in bandung :)

ika... i have no idea you're a great dancer, let's set a date, me you and the girls, let's karaoke!!!

reni, before i thought you're this old-fashioned person, but hey, you're just a really honest person :p love you lots hope we keep in touch

febri... helped my sorry ass again and again... i don't know how to thank you, but you're the most reliable guy to depend on... design-wise of course :p

dhika... didn't know you before, but it's been a pleasure!!! keep it up kid, you'll be big :)

ifan... you're like a kid brother, i know you'll set a path, your own path, and i know you'll be good at it... my suggestion take the functional road... you're good at it :)

fakhry... find a good position, but try not to fall asleep when you're @ it :) nice to know you, keep in touch ya pak ustadz

nadya & niar... thanks for putting up with me as your roommate

ratih... you're a cool girl you know, honestly i never thought we would click, but hey we did and i'm glad :)

novita... i really glad to get to know you!!! we were in the same group before, but we didn't talk much, but i'm glad i did, and i hope we can hang out @ times

andrio... i'm sorry i outed you :p hahahahaha but hey, tinky winky, dipsy, lala, po!!!! my world is really colorful when you're around

mas jokooooo.... idola masa kini :p

fabian... it's really nice spending two weeks with you :)

artan... it's been a pleasure, let's do a hunting party again sometime :)

tri... keep those geology discussion coming, i enjoyed those!!!

munawir... you're not that bad dude, i know you'll be a successful person someday, and yes, i think your dad will be proud :)

and every single one of you, you know who you are, thanks for this two weeks....

angkatan enaaaaammmmm!!!! "guys semangaaaat!!!!"